Tiles Hop Ball

Tiles Hop Ball

Tiles Hop Ball
Tiles Hop Ball

Jump to the beat and enjoy the impressive tunes in Tiles Hop Ball. Gain control of the platforms with accurate navigation and fast reflexes. Fill out the music with unique notes. Jump and earn stars to unlock numerous new tunes. Listen and respond swiftly!

Outstanding features

  • The game combines the platform's rhythm with fast action to avoid interrupting the ball when it is moving.
  • Each jump represents a note of the challenging song melody in each level.
  • Jump continuously through the platforms, collecting stars and diamonds to use for more lives in the game.
  • Earn crystals when completing challenges and unlock access to many new and unique maps.
  • Through the levels, improve your observation skills, combined with good reflexes.
  • Beautiful graphics allow you to enjoy the fiery concerts.

How To Play

Interacting with the mouse provides a remarkably simple control.

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