
Tetris Twirl

Tetris Twirl
Tetris Twirl

The challenging world of Tetris is more fun than ever with the game Tetris Twirl. You continue to conquer the spaces with strategic stacking gameplay. Match the blocks and create a complete horizontal line to expand the playing space better. Each block has a unique color that enhances your enjoyment during each mission. Increase your score continuously after each play.

How to play

Tips and tricks

Tetris Twirl is a space challenge that involves stacking blocks. Rotate the blocks so they match the position of the chosen block. The slow speed of falling blocks gives you time to think about better playing strategies. Just complete each horizontal row, and you will have a new row of empty space. Don't miss the chance to match and create a complete horizontal row.


Adjust the direction of the block or rotate it with the arrow keys.

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