
Proton V Electron

Proton V Electron
Proton V Electron
CLICKERinstanteasyavoiderendless runnerprotonselectrons

Welcome to Proton V Electron and learn about the opposite laws with idle click challenges. All you need to do is combine protons and electrons together. Shoot the plus signs combined with the minus signs and vice versa. The challenge is suitable for you to practice your sharp eyesight and quick clicking reflexes.

Interesting features

  • Understand the law of attraction for protons and electrons to perform the correct combination of electric charges.
  • If you combine two similar charges, the mission will fail and you will have to start over.
  • Observe the speed of movement and back and forth between the proton and electron in the center and perform the correct combined electric charge shot.


  • Choose the exact time to create a combination of two plus and minus charges for each shot.
  • Use the idle click feature to fully control the game. 
  • Practice excellent reflex skills to improve your achievements together.

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