
Drop Bricks Breaker

Drop Bricks Breaker
Drop Bricks Breaker

Break all the blocks with numerical values when dropping the balls in Drop Bricks Breaker! Play strategically to win all the levels. Each block has a different value, so you need to quickly remove all of them. Do not let the block touch the barrier above, or you will fail the mission. Relax with this light puzzle game suitable for all ages.

How To Play

Drop Bricks Breaker is an entertaining ball-themed game with simple, intuitive controls. Just determine the direction of the ball drop to break the blocks. Each time, the blocks will gradually rise. Race against the clock to unlock more hard levels. The higher the difficulty level, the more demanding and challenging it becomes. Play together and discover the most efficient method to break all the blocks in the shortest time.


Move the ball to the block spot by dragging and dropping the mouse. When performing the challenges, sound effects add to the fun.

More games

The website offers a variety of attractive ball theme games, allowing you to challenge yourself more. Play and practice your playing skills to be more proficient and professional.

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